The Learner Analysis

Characteristics of the learners influence learning goals and impact the manner in which learning occurs. Understanding and taking into considerations the characteristics of the learners can determine whether of not the learning experience is meaningful. "They will help the designer develop a motivational strategy for the instruction and will suggest various types of examples that can be used to illustrate points, ways in which the instruction may (or may not) be delivered, and ways to make the practice of skills relevant for learners" (Dick, Carey, & Carey, p. 98). When analyzing learners, it is important to keep in mind diversity among individuals so you can, as much as possible, accommodate diversity and each individual learner. Be aware of Universal Design.

Think About It Activity 3.5

Don't know what universal design is? Take a Virtual Field trip to the UDL tutorial at After you have completed the tutorial, answer the following questions:  What is it? How is it relevant to your ISD project?

©2010 By Michael and Amanda Szapkiw.