Davidson-Shiver and Rasmussen’s Media Selection Questions 5

Davidson-Shiver and Rasmussen (2006) suggest 3 factors that should be considered when selecting media:

  • The Instructional Strategies
  • Technological Aspects of the Learning Environment ( e.g. In the web- base environment, you need to consider bandwidth and computer capabilities) for the learners, the instructors, and the organizational hosting the course
  • Designer's expertise in media development or the inclusion of or access to media specialists (e.g. graphic designers, videographers, etc.)

Davidson-Shiver and Rasmussen (2006) also identified questions for both the instructor and technologist to consider when selecting media:

Instructor Questions

Technologist Questions

Do media support learning of the content? Or distract from it?

Do media motivate learners?

Will training be needed for learners? How will training be provided?

Will instructor's need training? How will training be provided?

Are media congruent with objectives, content, and strategies?

Are the media easy to access?

Are additional supports needed to access the media (e.g. plug-ins, special software, etc)?

What are the computer capability requirements of the learners? Can media be used with the capabilities?

What are the bandwidth requirements of the learners? Can media be used with the bandwidth size?

Who will create the media? Do they have the skills?

©2010 By Michael and Amanda Szapkiw.