I have the privilege to sit on the board of Freedom 4/24 that exists to raise awareness about sexual exploitation and human trafficking and to provide financial support to partner organizations dedicated to bringing freedom and doing justice. These organizations are committed to rescuing women and children out of the sex trafficking industry and then , rehabilitating , educating, creating opportunities for them.
SportsOut Reach Institute (SoI) in Africa is one of our partner organizations. This year Freedom 4/24 partnered with SoI to fund the building of Christine’s House in Gulu, Uganda,
Christine’s house is a restoration home where girls who have been sexually exploited stay for a period of 6-12 months. This year 18 girls (and their 4 children) were served at this house.
This summer I had the opportunity to meet and work with 18 of these individuals when I visited Christine’s house in Gulu, Uganda. I braced myself to be confronted with 18 young women who were in despair and depressed as these girls were considered the outcasts of their society and been treated like objects used for the purpose of another’s gain. However, the first day, as I stepped off the bus , I encountered 18 young women, while still working through their brokenness, who had hope, were joyful, and had vision for the future.
It is a privilege to have the opportunity to share this experience with you through a video that highlights the voices of the staff and girls of Christine’s House.
I hope as you watch this video, you recognize that these girls have not been served the life they deserved – one of respect and dignity. But, because of the staff of Christine’s House and the support individuals like you have provided, these girls are regaining their dignity, their sense of safety, their sense of well-being, and have joy.
Click the url to watch the video: http://tinyurl.com/A-Place-to-Breathe