Needs Analysis: Type of Need
The type of need identified in a needs analysis may be one of six types of educational needs (Burton & Merrill, 1991):
Normative need - A normative need exists when an individual or group has a deficiency, fall below the norm or expectation of some established group. For example, students in a school score below national average
Felt need - This need is present when someone feels that it ought to be done or an individual desire to improve. Warning: ID should be aware of needs that are motivated by a desire other than performance improvement. For example, a supervisor feels a sensitivity training program would be useful to encourage workers collaborate more or a parents of elementary school children feel their children need computer literacy skills
Expressed need or demand - A felt need becomes an expressed need when people put what they want into actions; there is more need than there is a supply. For example, 300 students show up for Introduction to Biology at 8am and the room contains 100 chairs
Comparative need - A comparative need is present when two groups with similar characteristics do not receive a similar services or products. A discrepancy exists between two groups. For example, one high school has a state of the arc computer laboratory and every other high school in the district does not.
Anticipated or future needs - This need is concerned with "what will be" rather than "what is". A discrepancy between what is currently available and the what is projected as a future demand. Identifying such needs should be part of any planned change so training can be designed prior to implementation of the change. For example, a school principal and supervisors might decide to implement a new instructional technology next year. An anticipated need is the knowledge teachers require to use the technology effectively in a classroom.
Critical-incident need - Critical incident needs are identified by analyzing potential problems and emerge when failures have significant consequences happen. For example, shootings in Columbine High and other schools prompted needs for security measures to be taken in public schools.

Identify the type of need in this scenario:
Scenario 1:
An administrator feels that an internet safety course for teachers might prevent future problems when students use the computer labs for class projects.
Normative need
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Felt need
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Expressed need or demand
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Comparative need
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Anticipated or future needs
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Critical-incident need
Identify the type of need in this scenario:
Scenario 2:
Female athletes are permitted by the state to participate in male sports (i.e. football) if their schools do not offer female teams in these sports, male students who want to play volleyball on female teams do not have the same rights
Normative need
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Felt need
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Expressed need or demand
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Comparative need
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Anticipated or future needs
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Critical-incident need
Identify the type of need in this scenario:
Scenario 3:
An education course at a college does not meet regional requirements for accreditation.
Normative need
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Felt need
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Expressed need or demand
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Comparative need
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Anticipated or future needs
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Critical-incident need
©2010 By Michael and Amanda Szapkiw.