Module 4: Design (P1: Instructional Objectives)
The second phase of ISD process
is design. In the design phase, you
determine how the learners' will learn. Based on the information from the
analysis phase, you
- identify measurable objectives,
- plan instructional materials, activities, and assessments, and
- select media.
Garrison and Anderson (2003), in their discussion of the design, expand these three design tasks and provide us with a more detailed list of what is included in the design phase:
- Establish curriculum
- Indentify resources
- Define clear goals and objectives
- Address technology concerns
- Structure individual and collaborative activities
- Set time frames
- Design assessment procedures
- Select media
Garrison and Anderson (2003) also remind us that the design process is not rigid but adaptable to learners' needs. Thus, design and redesign continues throughout the entire course. The instructor designs the course and adjusts it as students are given the appropriate degree of control over learning activities and objectives.
©2010 By Michael and Amanda Szapkiw.