Asynchronous vs. Synchronous

Both synchronous and asynchronous technologies exist (Romiszowski & Mason, 2004).

Synchronous systems support real-time communication.

Asynchronous systems support communication that is time delayed.

For example, discussion forums are prototypically asynchronous technologies since individuals at different locations communicate with one another at different times and with varied response times. Instant messaging and e-conferencing systems are prototypically synchronous technologies since individuals at different locations communicate with one another at the same time.

Reflection 5.2

Reflect upon your use of asynchnous and synchronous technologies in your education. List some of the benefits and challenges that you experience with each. Then, ask yourself, are these benefits and challenges due to the technology or the implementation of the technology?


Let's briefly look at what the literature has to say about asynchronous vs. synchronous. Note that as we discuss this, research is still needed in this area.

©2010 By Michael and Amanda Szapkiw.