Learner Analysis

Using your understanding of learning theory; research; interaction; observations; and/ or data collection, answer the following questions. Then, create a chart of learner characteristic data or factitious learner profile of the average target learner.

  • What are the general characteristics of your target population? (i.e. age, grade level, topic area)
  • What is the learners prior knowledge and skill level? What are the general ability levels of the learners? Is it reasonable to expect learners to learn what is planned? Do the learners already know something about the topic?
  • Is the topic likely to interest the learners?
  • What are learners' attitudes toward the content?
  • What are learners' attitudes about the delivery system?
  • Do the learners have any general learning preferences?
  • What are learners' attitudes regarding the organization providing the instruction?
  • Are there any important group characteristics? How similar or diverse are they?

How will you or did you obtain this information regarding the learner characteristics?

©2010 By Michael and Amanda Szapkiw.