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You and your colleagues are tasked with identifying a program, locating a funding source for the program, and writing a grant proposal. Once you have completed the grant propsal, you will prepare a presentation about your grant propsal and what you learned. You have two options:

Option 1: Monarch Homeless Good Neighbor Shelter Case Study. In the near future, the Monarch Homeless Good Neighbor shelter will open a new addition to their shelter. An adolescent shelter will be opened. Shelter will be free and voluntary and free for any youth in crisis, ages 13-17, both female and male. The goal of the shelter will be to provide safe housing for youth in crisis for up to two weeks and connect them with resources they to become self sufficient. In conjunction with the opening of the youth shelter, the Strong Families and the Promoting Youth Resiliency programs will begin. The goal of the Strong Families program is to provide youth and their families with the skills necessary to successfully reintegrate the youth into their family homes (if safe). The Strong Families program will offer family and group counseling to the youth in the shelter. The goal of the Promoting Youth Resiliency program is to educate the community on youth homelessness and how to prevent it. The program will also promote awareness of the availability of services provided by the shelter. Community presentations and other initiative are planned to accomplish the goals. Your task is to choose one of the three new programs and to locate a funder and write a grant proposal.

Option 2: Community Agency or Program of Your Choice. The task is to choose a community program in the area related to your area of interest in the human service field. You may use a community program in which you work, volunteer, or are planning to intern. You will need to identify the program or activity for which you would like to write a grant proposal, locate a funder, and write a grant proposal. If possible, you are encouraged to work closely with a local agency to prepare a grant that assists that agency in meeting an unfulfilled need.  An ideal situation would be one in which you assist in writing a grant that will fund a position to allow a student to complete a paid internship while working for the funded grant.







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