Once your strategy is complete you should have the prescriptions necessary
to develop your instructional materials. After we finish discussing media
selection in the next module, your strategy will be complete. You will, then, move
onto the next steps in the ISD process, development. That is you will take your
plan and make it a reality.
As we end this unit, you should be able to:
- Describe important aspects to consider when designing instructional strategies for the distance education environment
- Create instructional strategies that align with instructional objectives and that are appropriate for the distance education environment and learners' developmental stage
Now you should be able to:
- Describe important aspects to consider when designing instructional strategies for the distance education environment
- Create instructional strategies that align with
instructional objectives and that are appropriate for the distance
education environment and learners' developmental stage
Finally, have you met your personal objectives?
- ____________________
- ____________________
- ____________________
Let's end this unit with a reminder of the importance of instructional strategy. Gagne (1988) states: The planning of an instructional strategy is an important part of the instructional design process. It is at this point that the designer must be able to combine knowledge of learning and design theory with his experience of learners and objectives. Needless to say, creativity in lesson design will enhance this other knowledge and experience. Perhaps it is this component of creativity that separates the art of instructional design from the science of instructional design. It is clear that the best lesson designs will demonstrate knowledge about the learners, the tasks reflected in the objectives, and the effectiveness of teaching strategies. (p. 28) |
Now that you have completed this learning unit, you can download a copy of this material in PDF format. |
©2010 By Michael and Amanda Szapkiw.