Principles of Design and Management in Distance Education

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Course Schedule
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Assignment Appendix
Course Materials
Modules | Organizer | To Do | Instructional Unit | Assignments |
Module 1: An Overview of Distance Education | Module 1: To Do List (.doc) |
Module 2: Theories and Foundations of Instructional Design (ISD) | Module 2: To Do List (.doc) |
Module 3: Analysis | Module 3: To Do List (.doc) |
Module 4: Design | Module 4: To Do List (.doc) |
Module 5: Design (Media Selection) & Development | Module 5: To Do List (.doc) |
Module 6: Implement | Module 6: To Do List (.doc) |
Module 7: Evaluate | Module 7: To Do List (.doc) |
Module 8: Best Practices in Distance Education ISD | Module 8: To Do List (.doc) |
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