"Don't touch me!"

Error (Pet Peeve) #1: Poor Sentence Structure and Variety

The errors listed here are your instructor's primary pet peeves; however, the list is not exhaustive.


The first common error that results in poor writing is poor sentence structure and variety.

Before we can understand how to avoid poor sentence structure, we need to understand good sentence structure. A basic simple sentence has a subject and a verb that expresses a complete thought (Does this sound familiar? It is probably a concept you learned in elementary school and reviewed in you Introductory English class in college).

 Simple Sentence = Subject + Verb.

Sentence structure errors occur when a sentence does not have a subject or a verb or when a sentence contains too many without proper punctuation. These two sentence structure errors are called fragments and run-on sentences, respectively.


Fragments are incomplete sentences that do not have a subject or a verb.


Examples of a fragment:

•         A handsome man with dimples.

•         Susan crawled across the floor for the first time. Impressing her parents.


Run-on Sentence

A run-on sentence is a sentence which contains two or more independent clauses 'pushed together' without a 'break in punctuation.'


Example of a run-on:

•         Sarah is a good natured young lady she loves to smile and to help people.


Check Your Understanding Activity

How could you correct the two example fragments and make them complete sentences?

A handsome man with dimples ______.

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A handsome man with dimples ________.

Impressing her parents Susan crawled across the floor for the first time.

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Susan crawled across the floor for the first time impressing her parents.

How could you correct the one example of a run-on sentence and make it a complete sentence?

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Sarah is a good natured young lady she loves to smile and to help people.


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